~Post old as shit. Leaving up due to sheer amount of comments.
I've been documenting underage NG users for a few weeks now, and here's what I've come up with. If you have a suggestion, drop me a comment below.
1.BloodyChainsaw1: I KNOW this kid is not 17. He's obsessed with guns, as a small child would. He curses like a sailor.Then he made a thread about Santa. He claims Santa isn't real. Parent's don't tell their kids about Santa being false till about 12-13. Notice how, he never mentions his parents being involved in any way. He steals faster than Barry Bonds fills his ass up with steroids. He's a "pivot-fag". Meaning he thinks pivot is flash. He pic spams way too much. He cracks yo momma jokes.He's now ChainsawMurderer53 and Tehpivot. People ask me how I know it's him for sure. All his names are blantly obvious, I can sniff this little fag out from a mile away.
2.AshCohen: All he talks about is how's he is rich and fucks his "girlfriend" all the time. If you believe this guy, please die.
3.elmosyous: C'mon, anyone who has "elmo" in their name is pre-pubescent. He also admits he's 12.
4.NaziNinja: This guy made an epic thread not too long ago where he forgot to clear his searchbar before making a picture. Kim Possible Hentai. Is that enough? Well, just in case, here's some more dirt on this kid. When I asked him why he was a nazi, he replied, "Cuz I feel like it." He has no clue what the opinions of nazism is either. When I called him an 11 year-old, he said "You got a problem wit dat bitch ho?" Oh, so he's a rapper-nazi now?
5.ZiggyZack99: I got a PM asking to see if this guy was underage, after 3 and half minutes of face-melting research, I've concluded that there is a 50/50 chance he is underage. He may 13, but I suspect around 12.
6.hamz10: Admitted he was 9 years old. Not a smart one either.
7.Yoshi7777: I've gotten two comments about him, and I've concluded he is an annoying ass-munch.
8.SaltshakerClock: He's 12, but he's mature.
USER SUBMITTED UNDERAGE USERS:(I'm too lazy to investigate.)
Bryson374,ZombiePhil,SONICMEGA,DA-Frea kshow,Bernie-Buddy,7IsUnlucky,AndrewGl isson11,AcidSoldier